How To Use Digital Coupons
Here are the answers to some of the more frequently asked questions we receive about using your digital discount, cashback coupon or voucher.
If you are still unsure, don’t worry simply get in touch via our Consumer Help page to chat with a member of the team.
Learn More About Digital Coupons
Which stores are participating in this promotion?
You can find participating stores by opening the discount coupon and clicking on the ‘find participating stores’ button, a map will then appear with all nearby stores that are accepting the discount coupon.
Why is my barcode moving / flickering?
To prevent discount coupons from being mis-used they are encrypted, however they still scan as a normal barcode would at the till.
The scanner didn't read the barcode
My discount coupon didn't work at self checkout
Cashier refused to accept my discount coupon
I was in a non-participating store
Cashier incorrectly entered the barcode number
How can I find out when the the discount coupon is due to expire?
My coupon was mistaken for a loyalty coupon
Learn More About CashbackNow©
What is the CashbackNow service?
What is the difference between a discount Coupon and Cashback?
When using Cashback, you will need to purchase the product and submit your receipt via the simple 3 step CashbackNow service, before the offer expires in order to claim the cashback element.
How can I find out when the cashback offer is due to expire?
Once your receipt has been approved, you will receive a secure link, via SMS which gives you up to 3 days to complete the cashback process.